Friday, October 31, 2008

Well that was... special?

Wow! That was a crazy last few days. And my rotation at the hospital? It went from a 500lbs gentleman with sever scrotal edema; to an IV drug user/alcoholic who had been living on the streets who was brought in for an OD but stayed for the treatment of eczema so severe it looked like a mask (not to mention how the rest of him looked); to another gent with a tracheotomy complicated by lung infection... mucus fun! Fortunately work at the group home was slow although a new arrival always stirs things up a bit. AS for fun I took in a show by the Rosebud Burlesque Club of Saskatoon. A charitable, and tasteful, event to raise money for Breast Cancer Research. All in all a good, if exhausting, week.

And what about next week? I'm glad you asked. I've got my novel idea forming nicely for NaNoWriMo, and a trip to Edmonton to visit friends and escape the horrors of my life planned for next weekend. But I'll need to survive a couple night shifts and a week of class first. Its never easy is it?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

On second thought...

Actually, considering that my book will have a Lovecraftian theme please wish me insanity.

Monday, October 27, 2008

And soon it begins...

So I've decided to join NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this year. While I don't know if I'll have the time to write the requested 55,000 words due to the fact that November is chocked full of essays and mid-term exams I'm still going to give it a try. Who knows, maybe this will be the stress reliever I need. Or maybe I will explode in a brilliant ball of flames. Either way it will be sweet! I hope to have a fleshed out concept by wednesday for my book, and wiil be joining all the other fools on November 1st trying to sqeeze in as much writing as possible until November 30th. Wish me luck... and sanity.

So I have a blog... now what?

So now I've got my very own blog. And no real idea as to what to put in it... or why I've started it for that matter. Here is to hoping it occurs to me soon.