Wednesday, November 12, 2008

DUDE, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It seems I am once more the only male student in my nursing class. Damn, back to being surrounded by uteruses. This also leaves me on the short end of the stick for my group paper. Double damn. Or in nursing shorthand: ++ fuckered.

So is my life.

And I'm really not making any progress on my novel, I'm going to take the stress of getting 50,000 words done this month off of me and just try to get 25,000 more done in December. Maybe finish it off over the summer or in February.

What I'm missing right now is a little table top action. I'll looking forward to getting my sunday time to game with the guys back next month. My dice have dust on them, its a little embarrassing. But soon to be rectified I hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't the plural form of uterus be uteri? It just makes sense.