Sunday, November 9, 2008

Gibbons Doing It...

I'm having fun visiting in Edmonton. It been really nice to get away from school and all that jazz in PA for a couple days. Even better I got to see a live sex show today and it only cost $6.75!!

By live sex show I mean I saw two gibbons getting busy at the zoo today. I've seen monkeys get it on before but this was intense. It was like they were really enjoying performing for the crowd. It just supports my belief that being a perv is natural and there is nothing I can to about my likes. But really, who isn't a little twisted. Show me someone who isn't crazy and I will show you someone who doesn't appreciate life.

So far its been a great weekend... but I know I have to face class again on wednesday. Hopefully this recharge will carry me through to December.

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